League Rules




  • A team shall consist of a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12 players per match. 
  • A team must submit a registration form with a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12 players before the season starts, with the Captain and Secretary’s details. 
  • All teams must pay the £85 + £35 in the new year for the winter season, summer season £50 registration fee before the start of the season. 
  • A team must not exceed 12 players signed on for each season. 
  • A team may sign on new players after the season starts, the new player must be signed on at least 1 week before playing, the new player should be clearly registered in the relevant section on the scoresheet.  Should a team be short of players, they may sign on a player and play them on the night. 
  • Players may only play for one team per season. 
  • No transfer of players are allowed once played for a team in a league or cup game. 


  • Recommended boards: Winmau, Unicorn, Nodor or Harrows.  These are to be diamond wire blade (i.e. Blade 6) or of a professional standard. 
  • The board needs to be 5ft 8ins from the bull centre to the floor level. 
  • The throw needs to be 7ft 9¼ ins from the front of the board to the back of the oche. 
  • Raised oche’s at least 1 inch in height are a requirement of the league.  The committee suggest use of ‘oches r us’ where needed. 
  • The lighting should be adequate to light the whole dartboard.  The committee suggest the use of a halo or similar where needed. 


  • Teams should be at the venue by 8:15pm for toe to oche at 8:30pm.  Home teams may claim the game if an away team has not arrived by 8:45pm, unless they are made aware they are running late. 
  • Games to be played best of 3 legs of 501, straight off with double or bull finish. 
  • Game format is 3 pairs followed by 6 singles, with all games to be played. 
  • Captains choose where players play. 
  • Home Captain to enter players on to the score sheet first, away Captain to enter players second on to the folded score sheet. 
  • Players names are to be entered on the scoresheet fully and clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS, and the score sheet must be signed by both Captains at the end of the game. 
  • Players to throw alternatively with the away team to throw first. 
  • No player throws 2 consecutive throws, only in the cross over between doubles and singles. 
  • Captains must ensure their players are ready to play their game. 
  • No player to stand on or over the oche. 
  • The Caller shall be the official in charge of the game, what the Caller shouts will be final.  Corrections to mathematical errors on the score board must be made before the player’s next throw. 
  • Darts to be left in the board until the Caller has shouted the score, once removed the Caller’s score will stand. 
  • The point of the dart must be in contact with the board in order for the score on that dart to stand. 
  • Computer based scoring can be used, as long as it can be seen from the oche and has a record of previous scores. 
  • Score sheets to be posted on the league’s Facebook page in the comments of that week’s fixture post.  If no members of the team are on Facebook the score sheet can be sent to the League Secretary.  
  • Games must be played on the dates according to the league fixtures unless changed/postponed by mutual agreement. 
  • Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, in a 5-4 loss the losing team will receive a bonus point.  Should there be equal points at the end of the season, legs will be accounted for. 
  • Team individual player stats:  2-0 win = 4 points, 2-1 win = 3 points, 2-1 loss = 2 points, 2-0 loss = 1 point. 


  • A game can be played with a team of 5 players, but that team will lose 1 doubles and 1 singles game.  Should this occur, the un-played games are to be the last games in the doubles and singles. 
  • Any team playing un-registered players will lose any legs/games earned by that player. 
  • Any game that is claimed will be a 5-0 win to the claiming team. 
  • Teams that do not give their opponents more than 24 hours notice regarding postponing the game may be subject to a charge of £10 for food. 
  • Score sheets not returned by 8:30pm on the Sunday after a game may result in the score for the game being void. 
  • Any abuse or misconduct against players or committee members may result in the person being brought in front of the committee and sanctions imposed. 


  • There will be no catch-up nights scheduled in the fixtures. 
  • The Captain of the team cancelling the game must inform the opposing team and League Secretary or Committee Member.  Notice must be a minimum of 24 hours prior to the match, if less than 24 hours the opposing team may be entitled to claim the game. 
  • Any team wishing to claim a game must consult with the Committee and abide by the Committee’s decision. 
  • The League Secretary or Committee Member will confirm with the forfeiting team that the opposing team has been made aware. 
  • The team who are entitled to claim the game will be awarded a 5-0 win on that week’s fixtures. 
  • Note: This doesn’t stop you playing on another night that week, providing it is a mutual agreement and both teams inform the Secretary/Committee and the score sheet is returned by the normal time. 
  • If a game has been cancelled it can be played on a cup night if both teams have been knocked out of the cup. 
  • If a game has not been played by the conclusion of the current season, both teams will have a zero point award. 


Team Knockout – Stan Ward/Parker Cup – New format as of Winter 2024 – dates as per fixtures 

 Team knockout – random team draw, followed by captains selection of 6 singles games – the team winning most singles games will progress through the competition, if the result is 3-3 then a play-off pairs leg of 1001 to be played with random draw.  Stan Ward – will consist of the teams in the Premier Section and top 4 of the A section as of the week 12 standings.  Parker Cup – will consist of the teams in the bottom 4 of the A section and the B Section as of the week 12 standings.  
 Stan Ward and Parker Cup Team Knockout to be played at Barratts Club on the date specified on the fixtures.  Teams to arrive by 7:30pm with 8pm prompt start.  Normal player registration rules apply.  No entry fee applies.  


 The Town Cup is a Team Knockout consisting of 5 singles and 2 pairs games, format as below:  Double in and double out  Singles – best of 3 501  Pairs – all 3 legs to be played 501  Bull up 1st leg each game  
 Games must be played on the date specified by the league fixtures, if unable to play on that night the offending team loses the game and is knocked out of the competition.  Food is at the discretion of the hosting venue, drinks are at the discretion of the player.  Normal player registration rules apply.  No entry fees apply.  


In order to be eligible to play in singles or pairs competitions the player must have played in a minimum of a quarter (rounded down) of league games before the competition. 

Note: Quarter rounded down e.g. if the knockout is on the 6th week of the league, a quarter is rounded down so will be required to have played 1 game before the competition. 

Singles Doubles 
 Players need to be from their registered teams and meet entry requirements.  Bull up first leg only.  Entry Fee £4 per person.   Both players need to be from the same registered team.  Both players must meet entry requirements.  Entry Fee £6 per pair.  
 Names of players entering the competitions must be sent to the League Secretary before the date of the competition along with entry fee.  Singles competition first rounds will be played at satellite venues (venues tbc) all players much be registered at their venue by 8:15pm ready for toe to oche at 8:30pm. Last 16 to be played at finals night at Barratts Club.  Pairs competition to be played at Barratts Club, all players much be registered by 8:15pm ready for toe to oche at 8:30pm. ——————————————————————————————— Singles Plate Competition – eligibility to be confirmed ——————————————————————————————— Knockouts will be played best of 5 in the first round, then best of 9 in the finals.  


Badger Bowl (Summer) 
 Singles knockout to be played in one night at a nominated venue.  Teams to nominate 2 player to play in the knockout.  Venue and specific rules outlined by Mrs A Lymes (Tournament Sponsor)  
 Nominations to be made before the night.  Draw to be made on the night.  Substitution player can be made on the night before the draw is made.  The winner from the previous year is not eligible to enter this year.  Food is at the discretion of the venue, drinks are at the discretion of the player.  Normal player registration rules apply.  Knockout will be played best of 3, semi final best of 5 and final best of 7. 


Pete Russell Memorial Cup (Winter) 
 Random Pairs knock out at nominated venue.  Players need to be from their registered teams and meet entry requirements.  Entry Fee £3 per person, register and play on the night.  Registration by 8pm, draw at 8:15pm for toe to oche at 8:30pm.  Knockout is best of 3 legs if first round(s), quarter finals best of 5 legs, semi finals and final best of 7 legs.  


  • The league will be sorry to see you leave, if your team is intending to leave the league please inform the Secretary/Committee of your intentions to do so as soon as possible. 
  • If you decide to leave the league and you are due for promotion, there are a few things to note: 
  • The trophy will be retained by the league and your team name will be engraved on the trophy to maintain its history. 
  • The prize money you are due to receive for 1st, 2nd or 3rd is your teams as merit for said position. 
  • If any of your players wish to continue to play in the league the season after your team folds, they are welcome to do so.  However, they must only play in the section you were due to be promoted to or above, for teams due for promotion only. 
  • If your team decides to re-join the league, the Committee may at their discretion place you into a higher section rather than at the bottom.  This will be based on the players registering team against the dropped out team, the Committee retains registration forms to monitor this. 
  • If your team folds and are due for relegation or not in the promotion positions, any of your players are eligible to play for any other team the following season. 
  • If a team folds, a player is eligible to move teams within the following terms: 
  • The team folds before the halfway point of the current season. 
  • They are restricted to league games only. 
  • The folding team is in good stand with the league/Committee. 
  • The request is followed in line with player registration requirements, i.e. 1 week before play. 
  • The request is made to the Committee and their approval is final. 


  • Promotions will be 2 up and 2 down where the number in the league can maintain this. 


  • All trophies must be kept at the team venue – trophies must not be kept at individual players homes. 
  • If the team does not wish to take the trophy the Committee will keep the trophy in the League’s secure cabinets. 
  • All trophies must be signed for by a representative of the winning team on presentation. 
  • All trophies must be returned in the same condition they are presented.  Should a trophy require cleaning a £10 charge will apply to the offending team.  Should the trophy be returned damaged photo evidence will be taken and the offending team will be charged for any necessary repairs, receipts will be provided. 


  • All Committee member and players to be treated with respect at all times. 
  • Any abuse, misconduct or disrespect to any individuals or the league will not be tolerated. 
  • In the event of a tie in points, winners will be decided on legs won over the season, secondly on the results between the teams involved, thirdly a play off on a neutral board. 
  • Objections of any nature must be made by the team Captain in writing and will be investigated within 7 days of the objection. 
  • All disputes will be settled by the Committee – the Committee’s decision is final.  
  • It is the Captain’s responsibility to notify the team of the dates of the AGM where each team has a maximum of 2 votes. 

***Please send at least one member of your team to the AGM as this is your chance for your voice to be heard, it is for your benefit and the league’s***